Celbrating the Journey of Life and faith

Our Skipping Stones ministry celebrates six significant moments in a child’s journey of life and faith, starting with baptism and continuing through high school graduation. Just as stones skip across the water, creating ripples at various points, our young people experience God’s grace breaking into their lives at different times and places. We mark, celebrate, and bless our children in these pivotal Spirit-filled moments, reminding them they are beloved children of God and part of an extended faith community. All are welcome to join in this ministry at any time.

St. Andrew’s celebrates these six Skipping Stones:

  • Baptism • Welcome to the Family of God (All ages)
  • Preschool Bible Blessing • Celebration of Beginnings (Ages 3-5)
  • First Communion • Welcome to the Lord’s Table (Grades 1 and up)
  • Upper Elementary Bible Blessing • Exploring God’s Word (Grades 3-5)
  • Confirmation • Affirming Faith (Grades 6-9)
  • Senior Blessing • Continuing the Journey (Grade 12)

Contact Erika Hiland with questions or call 651.762.9126.

To engage kids with the Word at home, here’s a list of Bible verses to memorize as a family. 


Welcome to the Family of God (All ages welcome)
You are my beloved child • Mark 1:11

Through baptism, we claim our identity as God’s beloved children and celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s the Spirit that gives faith, forgives sins, and grants new and eternal life. We’re then called to join God’s mission in the world through proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through our words and actions.

Infants and young children are baptized as our first Skipping Stone, but baptism is open to all ages—older children, teens, and adults who have yet to be baptized. For baptism workshop and service information, click the link below.

Preschool Bible Blessing

Celebration of Beginnings (Ages 3-5)
Let the children come to me • Mark 10:14

As preschoolers enter their first year of Sunday School, we present them with a Spark Story Bible. As they’re introduced to God’s Word, they explore foundational faith stories and the life and teachings of Jesus, and learn of God’s love for them and others.

Families participate in a workshop before the celebration. The Bible blessing is held during weekend worship services. At the workshop, children are introduced to their new Spark Story Bible, and parents learn fun, interactive ways to engage with the Bible at home. Workshops are a great time to meet other families with young children! Children attend with at least one parent. Other family members and baptismal sponsors (godparents) are also welcome to come.

For workshop dates, email Erika Hiland.

The Bibles are a gift made possible by The Foundation of St. Andrew’s.

First Communion

Welcome to the Lord’s Table (Grades 1 and up)
Do this in remembrance of me • 1 Cor. 11:24

The First Communion Skipping Stone is introduced in a workshop held prior to the celebration and blessing of children during worship services. Two opportunities for First Communion are provided each year—once in the fall and once in the spring during Holy Week.

The workshop provides interactive opportunities for children and their families to learn about bread, Communion, the sacraments, and the history of the Passover and Seder meal. The teaching is geared towards children in Grades 1-5. Parents choose when to have kids participate based on interest and readiness. At least one parent/guardian attends with their child. Other family members and baptismal sponsors (godparents) are also welcome to join.

For workshop dates, email Erika Hiland.


Exploring God’s Word (Grades 3-5)
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path • Psalm 119:105

As children grow, their Bible should grow with them. Elementary-age kids are captivated by the Bible’s dramatic stories and colorful characters, learning more about Jesus and the message in God’s Word. To participate in the Elementary Bible Blessing Skipping Stone, students attend a workshop and then a celebration and blessing during worship services.

The interactive workshop introduces kids to the Connect Bible, a New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). We’ll talk about what’s in the Bible, how it’s organized and how it came to be, and share tips for looking up verses. Children receive a Bible carrying bag, bookmark, pen, and highlighter—tools to get them excited about reading and studying God’s Word. At least one parent/guardian attends with their child. Other family members and baptismal sponsors (godparents) are also welcome to join. 

For workshop dates, email Erika Hiland.

The Bibles are a gift made possible by The Foundation of St. Andrew’s.


Affirming Faith (Grades 6-9)
I believe • John 11:27

Confirmation at St. Andrew’s is a three-year program for middle school youth to dive deep, be challenged, and ultimately make their faith their own. The program culminates in the fall of 9th grade, when they publicly affirm their faith, confirming (thus “Confirmation”) acceptance of the free gift of God’s grace first given in their baptism.

Students choose either the Wednesday or Sunday track to participate in fun, energetic large group sessions, and small groups tailored for reflection. They also benefit from the Lenten Mentor program, where each student is paired with a trained mentor. Students in 9th Grade enjoy highlights of Confirmation Camp in June and Confirmation celebration weekend in October.


Continuing the Journey (Grade 12)
We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul • Hebrews 6:19

High School graduation is a milestone as well as an opportunity for our community to acknowledge each student’s faith journey! For our final Skipping Stone, our High School seniors are invited to attend a special celebration of their achievement. Graduates wear their cap and gowns for worship services on the morning of the blessing. They’ll read prayers and lessons and lead special music. During services, the congregation will bless them as they move into this new stage of life. Families enjoy photo ops and cake for graduates in common areas after services.

Due to Super Bowl scheduling, FOX9+ won't be airing St. Andrew's services Sunday, February 9.
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