Care & Support Groups

A Community of Support

Life can be challenging at times, but you don’t have to go through struggles alone. The Pastors and Care Lay Ministry team welcome opportunities to reach out and share Christ’s love with people in need of support. In addition to a caring ministry team, we offer prayer and referrals to licensed counselors and resource centers. Check the event calendar at the bottom of the page for specific group information.

If you need to speak with a pastor, please call 651.762.9137.

Congregation members and friends are encouraged to contact our Pastoral Care team so we can offer spiritual support and prayer.

pastoral care team

RECEIVE CARE—If you need care we’re here for you. The Pastors and Care Lay Ministry team are here to support you in times of grief, or death. If you or someone you know would like a visit from our Pastoral Care team, whether it’s at home, the hospital, or a care facility, please let us know by calling 651.762.9137. In addition to a caring ministry team, we offer prayer, referrals to a licensed counselor and resource centers.

VOLUNTEER WITH CARE LAY MINISTRY—Volunteers are trained to make the most of one-on-one home, hospital, and care center visits. You’ll visit, pray, offer communion, and follow-up, helping folks stay connected to St. Andrew’s when they’re unable to attend church and activities. To get involved, contact Brian Norsman.


This ministry offers support and fellowship for cancer survivors, caregivers, and those with a loved one with cancer. The support group is offered both in-person and via Zoom, or 1-on-1 sessions are available, too. Contact Micki Smith for more information.


Being a caregiver for a loved one has its challenges. Benefit from a community of caregivers like yourself in this support group. In this warm, welcoming space, you’ll share the joys and pains of caregiving. Click HERE for more.



Together in Grief at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, is an in-person, facilitated support group for those experiencing the loss of loved ones. Share, listen, and support each other, and move toward healing. Sessions run 8 weeks—click HERE for current dates and details.

Recovery Groups

At St. Andrew’s, we walk with people in all seasons of their lives. We’re honored to host AA, NA, and Al-Anon recovery groups at various times during the week, open to all members of the greater community. Check the events below for specific group information.

Upcoming Care Ministry Events

Due to Super Bowl scheduling, FOX9+ won't be airing St. Andrew's services Sunday, February 9.
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