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April 7, 2024 @ 10:30 am 1:00 pm

All High Schoolers are welcome to join our Peer Ministry program. It’s a great way to meet the other high schoolers in our community. It gives all participants useful skills beneficial for socializing with, ministering to, and relating to their peers! I would recommend this program to literally ANYONE (no matter which church they go to, which school they go to, or how many people they know in our program). Groups that have found this very useful in the past:

College applicants looking to add to their resume

Captains of sports teams who want to be better leaders

Small group leaders for Confirmation or other programs

People who have a job where they interact with people

People interested in ministry

People who want to learn to be better friends or listeners

Leaders of local faith groups in school or in other churches

Grades: For youth enrolled in grades 9-12

Schedule: January 7th, February 4th, March 3rd, April 7th, and May 5th

(optional but encouraged) 10:30 Worship – We will all sit together in the Sanctuary!

11:30 worship is over, we get a cookie and coffee and mingle!

11:45 Peer Ministry Session starts in Pier 7.

11:45 – 12:00 we eat the catered food!

12:00- 1:00 We get trained in Peer Ministry!

Cost: $25 (this is just for the cost of meals)

Registration: Click “Register for this Event” to begin the registration process. If you have a St. Andrew’s Connect account, be sure to sign in first.

Questions: Reach out to Per with Questions at pnestingen@saintandrews.org.

(651) 762-9130

Due to Super Bowl scheduling, FOX9+ won't be airing St. Andrew's services Sunday, February 9.
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