Vision Slovakia

Christian Education Center

Since opening in 1998, the Center for Christian Education (CCE) has grown from a small weekend Bible school into a preschool through high school, including a higher education program and outreach facility. We are gradually transitioning towards self-sufficiency, from being 100% dependent on foreign aid two decades ago, to 15% now. Visit their website:

The people of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church have a warm relationship with the people of Martin, Slovakia. St. Andrew’s first became involved in Martin by helping build a church in nearby Prievidza that was dedicated in 1995. Pastor Roger Eigenfeld and Bohdan Hrobon met about that time while Bohdan was beginning plans for the Bible School in Martin. Since then, St. Andrew’s choirs, youth and adult groups have traveled to Slovakia, and the congregation here has helped both financially and by donating time for renovations.

This is a partnership. St. Andrew’s is helping them spread the word of Christ, and they are coming here to share with us. It is about working together to spread Christ’s word.

Vision Slovakia Background

St. Andrew’s has been involved in the former Eastern bloc nation of Slovakia for over 20 years.

In this ministry we have received far more from our Slovak partners than we have given. They have given us a vision of their commitment to teach and proclaim the gospel for this new time of freedom. They have lived through times when it has not only been difficult, but even impossible to worship.

Self-worth and initiative were virtually destroyed following WW II and prior to the reign of terror and holocaust under the Third Reich with the daily threat of imprisonment and death. Records were secretly kept on persons and innocent people who were identified as enemies of the state. This so-called information was used to incarcerate and martyr Slovak citizens for any outward expression of their faith in God. Jan Bohdan Hrobon was a Lutheran pastor who dared to carry out his ministry under all these dangers and still live faithfully to his call to proclaim and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. His vision was to reestablish Christian education schools for children, youth and adults. Hrobon’s vision lives on with his vision lives on. His son, Bohdan Hrobon, as he continues to serve as the director of the Center for Christian Education in Martin, Slovakia.

The History

These schools have been firmly established, as you will read in the following descriptions, but they are still in their infancy and we cannot fail to support them even now. These are crucial times for the faithful in Slovakia and the partnership we share with them as we continue to walk with them. This is as important now as it has been in the past 15 years.

To offer Christian education has been a life-long vision of the forefathers and current leaders of the Center for Christian Education in Martin, Slovakia. The present generation of leaders and teachers is the first after many decades of repression to have the freedom to proclaim the gospel freely and to equip lay leaders to be missionaries of Christ.

The story of the Center for Christian Education began in 1998 with the creation of a Bible School, offering a weekend study program in the Bible and Christian elementary teaching. Its primary purpose was to provide nurturing Christian education for those who sensed the inadequacy of their knowledge of their Christian roots. The theme verse of the school is inscribed in several languages on the central floor-to-ceiling window of the Bible School building, expressing Jesus’ words of promise: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

The Bible School’s offerings soon expanded to include basic education in social work and pastoral care. With a number of partner congregations in the USA, the Bible School continues to annually educate leaders for missions in Eastern Europe. In 2004 the Bible School established the Lutheran Elementary School. They realized that to reach the current generation of children and parents a program of education for elementary age children needed to be established. The addition of the Lutheran Elementary School became a partner in what is now known as the Center for Christian Education.

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