Event Series
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August 13 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
The ancient rite of healing and anointing of oil predates the written word. The church has used the laying on of hands and anointing of oil as a reverent prayer for the whole person to experience the healing power of Jesus Christ.
During this healing service, anyone in the congregation can experience the healing power of God in the laying on of hands and the anointing. We invite you to bring your friends who may need healing for themselves, people they know, or for the needs of the world. Our biblical witness invites us to bring our weary spirits to God and ask for healing.
- Saturday, October 12 – 5pm, Great Hall
- Sunday, October 13 – 9am, Sanctuary
- Sunday, October 13 – 9:30am, Great Hall
- Sunday, October 13 – 10:30am, Sanctuary
- Saturday, April 5 – 5pm, Great Hall
- Sunday, April 6 – 9am, Sanctuary
- Sunday, April 6 – 9:30am, Great Hall
- Sunday, April 6 – 10:30am, Sanctuary
- Wednesday, August 13 – 6:30pm, Sanctuary